How can technology support Citizens Advice advisers to quickly deliver the best possible outcome for their clients using data & collective expertise?

Citizens Advice Scotland

The Challenge

Citizens Advice Scotland is part of the Citizens Advice network – you may be familiar with Citizens Advice Bureaux, an essential service situated in many communities across Scotland.

This Challenge will help CAB advisers offer high quality advice to as many people as possible, by providing a solution that will help them to record case information more easily and allow them to draw upon the experience of other advisers, through the wealth of data held within the network’s case management system. 

Also, by improving personal data capture, CAS will be able to improve its ability to influence and campaign for change.

So, how can technology support Citizens Advice advisers to quickly deliver the best possible outcome for their clients using data & collective expertise?


The Solution

Wyser’s solution, with appropriate consents, listens into conversations between advisors and their clients, automatically extracts key information that summarises the conversations, and accurately populates the organisation’s CRM system. This invisible unobtrusive tech layer leverages Wyser’s deep understanding and expertise in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML).


Mark Pearce
CEO / Co-Founder

Stuart Turner
Analysis & User Research Lead

The Opportunity

Wyser’s solution helps organisations improve their productivity and increases their capacity, whilst enhancing the experience for end users. It is part of Wyser’s broader product suite, which is called the Advice Centre as a Service (ACaaS), and helps organisations meet the rising demand for advice with the same headcount.

Next Steps

Wyser is further developing their solution for use by any organisation, public or private sector, providing voice or text based advice and guidance to the public.  This provides a powerful tool to improve both service efficiency and customer outcomes. 

The Team

Every person in Wyser’s diverse team has over 20 years of industry experience, for the last 10 years they have worked together and over the last 5 years they have focussed on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Natural Language processing.