How might technology help match British Sign Language (BSL) users and their required interpreters more easily and equitably?

Scottish Government: Directorate For Equality, Inclusion & Human Rights

The Challenge

Booking British Sign Language interpreters is of vital importance for BSL users, enabling them to be included and effectively participate in the workplace, social events and more. However, BSL users commonly cite an issue around low availability of interpreters. A review commissioned by the Scottish Government in 2019 uncovered evidence that this is often not based on interpreters being unavailable, but instead that current booking systems do not facilitate efficient or effective use of interpreter time. There is currently a fragmented community of BSL users, freelance interpreters and agencies with no market solution in place to support collaboration to address the issues faced by BSL users.

So, how might technology help match British Sign Language (BSL) users and their required interpreters more easily and equitably? 

Deaf Action

The Solution

A mobile app which quickly matches BSL users with the right interpreter, when and where they are required.  With this solution, Deaf Action are looking for more than efficiency. They also want to ensure Deaf BSL users have choice and control at every stage of the process.


Siobhan Sullivan
Project Manager

Paul Burrowes
Technical Lead

The Opportunity

There is a shortage of BSL interpreters not just in Scotland, but across the UK and beyond. By maximising efficiencies within the booking chain, the solution can support the interpreter profession to make best use of their time and expertise. Surplus revenue from the app will be reinvested in training interpreters.

Next Steps

Having developed a core feature set, next steps are to develop additional features which will make the app as attractive as possible to interpreters and deaf BSL users. Deaf Action will also further develop an integrated web version of the app to allow agencies like the NHS to make bookings.

The Team

Deaf Action have partnered with Burrotech to deliver this solution. Deaf Action is a deaf-led charity founded in 1835. Burrotech is a Scottish company specialising in mobile and web app design.