How can biodiversity credits be designed in a way that provides simplicity for projects and buyers, and enables investment in Scotland’s nature?
NatureScot, Scottish Government: Environment and Forestry Directorate and Scottish Wildlife Trust
The Challenge
Biodiversity credits are an economic instrument that can be used to finance actions that result in measurable nature positive outcomes for biodiversity and the environment. They directly address the need for investment in natural capital, beyond nature’s role in managing the carbon cycle.
Biodiversity credits differ to biodiversity offsets - they can be part of a company’s nature-positive journey, an investment in nature’s recovery, rather than an offset for damage.
The development of biodiversity credit markets has the potential to help address the £20 Billion finance gap for nature in Scotland by leveraging responsible private investment into nature recovery, in line with the Scottish Government’s Biodiversity Strategy and Natural Environment Bill and the Interim Principles for Responsible Investment in Natural Capital.
The Solution
CreditNature is a platform that helps corporations invest in the recovery of biodiversity and ecosystems, enabling local communities to flourish and securing sustainable business growth for their business. Through our platform they can buy Nature Impact Tokens, a form of biodiversity credit, linked to land assets that have pledged to recover nature. Corporates gain access to privileges associated with the project, and can track the impact of their investments via insightful metrics and project updates, displayed on our user-friendly dashboards.
Cain Blythe
Dr Paul Jepson
Head of Innovation
Dan Bass
Rewilding Services Lead
Sophy Jones
Nature Fintech Developer
The Opportunity
Nature markets are predicted to reach £12.8 trillion by 2050, with biodiversity credit markets forecast to be £12-35 billion. Verified methods for measuring the recovery of biodiversity and ecosystems will be in great demand to ensure that investments are fit for people and nature, as well as fit for finance.
Next Steps
CreditNature have baselined 20,000+ha of land, with 55,000ha in the pipeline. Our first Nature Impact Tokens are now ready for sale to corporate partners and we are seeking to expand this network in Scotland and internationally. We are also connecting our metrics to other financial instruments, such as bonds.
The Team
CreditNature has assembled a diverse team, with extensive experience in biodiversity monitoring, ecosystem science, finance and technology. They work closely with private and public sector partners, all with the shared purpose of fighting to address the combined climate and biodiversity crises. They are collectively making nature recovery investable.